Isagenix 30 Day Cleanse, Fat Releasing & Re-Nourishing Program

Isagenix 30 Day Cleanse, Fat Releasing & Re-Nourishing Program
Isagenix 30 Day Cleanse, Fat Releasing & Re-Nourishing Program

Monday, January 9, 2012

Week # 1 - Results

Hello Isagenix 2012 January Challengers - Tell us how your first week went? What are you feeling now? What have you noticed?  Inquiring minds want to know and are hear to coach you towards extraordinary success.


Friday, December 30, 2011

Slim & Fit Challegers - Introduce Yourself + Goals

Hello Slim & Fit Challengers,
The time is drawing near for our  body changing contest to begin. Can you feel the excitement building in anticipation of the potential that awaits.

We currently have about 30 people registered to begin, but its not to late to invite a friend or family member to join you. Then can share some of your product until theirs arrives. Infact, if you express ship your 30 Day, you can still get it in time for the 3rd.

Here's where you can introduce yourself and share your goal and commitment for the 30 Day Challenge. It might look something like this:

Kelli Calabrese, Age 42, Flower Mound Texas.  I am believing that I will drop 12 pounds, eliminate my sugar cravings, lose 2 inches my waist, 3 inches on my hips and be able to win a running race against my 11 year old son!

Feel free to share anything you want us to know that will help us in supporting you - or anything you need to get off your mind.  Its normal to be nervous.  Use this forum to communicate with all of the coaches and participants or contact the person who signed you up directly.

Incredible physical change awaits!


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

30 Day Contest Rules, Registration, Prizes & Judging

Hello Isagenix 30 Day New Years Challenge Cleansers,
We are THRILLED to have you embark on this 30 Day Journey with us.  Below are the rules for the contest. We like to keep them simple - just like the program.   

1.        Rules

a.       You must be using the Isagenix 30 Day product – although you can add to the 30 day with ageless essentials, Isa Delights, Isa Pro, Isa Greens, Isa Fruits and any of your other favorites that you know would help acheive maximal results or customize your program.

b.      You must do a before a after assessment – scale weight, circumference measurements and photo’s of the front, side and back in fitting clothes or a bathing suit.  It would be ideal to get body composition as well is you have a scale or professional who can do that.  It would be best if a professional did the assessment. Second best would be a family member, last resort would be to take your own measurements.  Take the measurements as outlined in the 30 Day handout that comes with the program.

c.       The contest ends on Jan 31st. You can start late, but the last day is the 31st. Your final weigh in is on the 1st of Feb.  All pics and measuremetns must be sumitteed by Feb 3rd.

2.       Prize Distribution

a.       60% of the total prize money goes to the first place winner with the most dramatic transformation

b.      30% to the second place

c.       10% to the third place

d.      Right now we are up to 1,300, but it may grow before Jan 2nd!  We will let you know the total amound before Jan 2nd. 

3.        Registration

a.      When you purchase a 30 day program between now and the start of the contest, your enrollign sponsor will automatically enroll you. 

b.     Introduce yourself on the blog!

c.      Anyone over the age of 17 can register.

4.        Judging

a.       A Panel of 13+ Isagenix Associates will be judging the contest for the most dramatic change in 30 days. 
                      b.      The winner will be announced by Feb 13th. 

5.        Exercise

a.       Of course this is STRONGLY encouraged.  See the person who enrolled you for specific options.

Let the transformating begin!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Welcome to the Isagenix 30 Day Slim & Fit Challenge!

Hello Isagenix Cleansers,
We are THRILLED that you have made the commitment to embark on 30 days of incredible body, health and life transformation with us. I say us, because, some of the top coaches and trainers around the country and world have joined in this contest to help support you!  We are routing for every one of you to see exeptional resutls and exceed our and your expectations.

This board is here for all of us to communicate. We want to hear your questions, about your breakthroughs, your tips and your challenges.

While at times you may want to let some old poor habits sneak back in, keep your eye on the 1K cash prize and use this blog as a resource for support.

The contest officially launches on Monday January 2nd, however you'll be hearing from us before then to help you best prepare for optimal success.

In the mean time, please introduce yourself on the board.  Tell us your name, where you are from. Your goals and commitments for the next 30 days and what most excites you about the 30 Day challenge - aside from the 1K prize!

Incredible change awaits and I look forward to getting to know and coach you.

Kelli Calabrese